Twitter was the first social media where I used my real name, to promote my release of
Because of the publicity surrounding that, it's where I have the most "followers".
If you're actually curious about my politics, find basic info on the above website.
But on Twitter, I really went ham, so you'll find out there, for sure:
Almost all of my video content is on
I'm trying to get all of it here, too.
One thing at a time...
I say "almost all" because
Being the newest of the social media platforms I'm present on, I find it easier to stay ahead of the obnoxious algorithms. I have fun there, others have fun there, you might have fun there:
Facebook is an asshole. I rarely interact there, but I keep a page in hopes of making it easier for my children to find me. If you must check it out:
I despise IG, mostly because people say, "I hate FB, so I'm on Instagram".
I stopped doing anything on IG awhile ago...don't bother.
For short-form, stream of consciousness videos, I use TikTok instead.
Shut up, Stephanie.
I'm free range. Don't fence me in. Don't sell me down-river....
Creative Commons - SLH